Hello, friends! How I love working with your layouts. After all, it is from them that future masterpieces are born. So today we will talk a little about the recommendations for designing the layout of your order. Layout pages must be in PDF format only. But for the cover, PDF, JPG, PNG formats are acceptable; The layout should be page-by-page. For you, this means that one page of text (not spread) will be placed on one page of the layout. However, if you only have a layout in spreads, we can help you. The separation service costs 150 hryvnias; The layout page should be the size of the format expected on the output. That is, if the book should be A5, then the page should be of the appropriate size; It is optimal to order the edition before printing in the size of the completed layout (it is possible to increase / reduce the layout by no more than 1 size); Thick books should be divided into volumes. The cost of separation is 90 hryvnias for each new volume; If there are illustrations for departure, then the size of the layout page should be +2-3 mm around the perimeter. The text should not fall into this area, and the illustrations should extend into it. This crop area is a must have! Write about its availability in the comments to the order; Page numbering should be either in the middle of the page (bottom or top) or on the outer edge of the page. Note that the odd page numbers will be under the right hand, the even numbers - under the left hand in the book, if you imagine that it is lying open in front of you; The size of the document is no more than 400 MB. If the layout is designed to have "conditional endpaper" printed on the inside of the cover, mark this in the Configurator when placing an order. The cost of this service is 150 hryvnias for the preparation of the layout, and 20 hryvnias for each book; By default, we make a root with no text or use the one on the uploaded cover. If you need a root development service, indicate this in the Configurator when placing an order. The cost of development is 150 hryvnias and 15 hryvnias for each book in circulation; Production of matte lamination on the cover. Additional production time up to +7 days. The price is 15 hryvnias for each book; If you need the service of issuing an ISBN code, please note that it takes about a week to assign an ISBN code. The cost is 2100 hryvnias. We need to add 8 more copies to the circulation, which we will send to the libraries. As if everything was specified. At first glance, it may seem that the design of the layout is difficult and time-consuming. But this is not so. If you carefully follow the steps described above, it will take you 5 minutes! I also remind you that our managers are always ready to help and answer all questions.