"Prostitute" is a novel by the Ukrainian writer Panas Myrny, published in 1861. The book tells the story of a peasant family that lives on the landowner's land. The main characters are Maksym Savytskyi and his wife Galya. The novel reflects the life of Ukrainian peasants in the second half of the 19th century, their difficulties, the struggle for survival and justice. In "Prostitute" Myrnyi highlights the social problems of that time, such as serfdom, grueling work, alienation and exploitation of peasants. The novel shows how peasants face social inequalities and strive to change their situation. This is a work that draws attention to the importance of justice, dignity and willpower of the Ukrainian people. "Prostitute" is distinguished by a realistic depiction of the life of the peasant population, a picturesque description of nature and the multifaceted characters of the heroes. The novel influenced Ukrainian literature, giving a breakthrough charge to social realism and testifying to the enormous talent of Panas Myrny. "The Whore" is an immortal work that addresses the eternal questions of human justice, dignity and freedom.