"Roksolyana" is a historical novel by the Ukrainian writer Osip Nazaruk, which tells about the life and fate of an outstanding woman, Roksolyana, who became a soloist in the name of Ukrainian history and the world. The book reveals the historical situation of the 16th century, when Roksolyan, a native of the Crimean Tatar tribe, falls into the Ottoman Empire. She wins the heart of Sultan Suleiman the Great, becomes his wife and an influential person at court. The novel covers her fascinating journey from humble origins to power and recognition. "Roksolyana" is a historical work that reproduces the life and activities of Roksolyana in all its versatility. The book shows the strength of character, intelligence and intrigue that she managed, as well as the influence she had on the events of the time. "Roksolyana" is a historical novel full of emotions, which reveals the strength of a woman's will and the ability to achieve great achievements. He takes the reader into the world of empire, political intrigue and love, revealing the immortal legend of Roksolyana - a Ukrainian woman who conquered the hearts of powerful rulers.