We have already told you how to choose the perfect type of paper for printing books and how to make a cover for it from scratch. However, another obstacle that often confuses customers is the size of the book. And if the standard A4 size is familiar to almost everyone, not everyone knows the difference between A5 or B5. This is what we are here for - now everything will become as clear as possible. Choosing the format of the future book After you have uploaded your PDF file to the site, you will have various characteristics of your future book. By clicking "Change parameters" you can choose your own format. Yes, it is necessary to choose the size and type of fastening of pages. Your book can be: In the form of a magazine. When choosing this format, you will receive a book that looks like it is fastened with two steel staples. Suitable for thin books, so be careful - there must be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 80 pages.Notebook. In this version, the book will be assembled on a white or black steel spring (choose according to the color of the cover). The width of the spring is selected relative to the thickness of the book. There are also limitations for this format: minimum 16, maximum 480 pages. However, if desired, the book can be divided into volumes. Soft cover: in this version, the book is assembled on an elastic hot-melt adhesive. This type of fastening is very strong and flexible. Limits: minimum 48, maximum 480 pages. The division into volumes is also relevant. Hard cover on hot-melt glue: in this version, the HARD cover is assembled on elastic hot-melt glue. This type of binding is very strong and flexible, and the thick, hard binding is quite reliable. Limits: minimum 48, maximum 480 pages. Again, we can divide the book into volumes. Depending on the size of the pages in your PDF file, you will be offered certain book sizes. For example:- Small, A5 (145 x 205 mm);- Medium, B5 (170 x 240 mm).- Large, A4 (205 x 290 mm)- Original: the size of your book will be the same as the downloaded file, without scaling .It is important that the size of the images in the book is reduced or increased in proportion (in terms of width and length) to the size of the book.